A new day, a new look.
Earlier today I decided it was time to give the ol' B Movie Writers blog a quickie facelift. Something a little different, to reflect the fact that we've transitioned from The Age Of Siege into something new.
Producer Dude dropped us a note today. The money, which is in some kinda offshore escrow thingie, has been approved for release. So, though it won't be in anyone's hands for a couple of weeks, Producer Dude is going to put the finishing touches on the contracts we negotiated months ago. The ball is almost, kinda, sorta, not quite, but not quite not, rolling.
And rolling is good.
The only real downside is that I'm starting to worry about the start date for the actual production. Its looking like it may well creep into May, versus April. I've been really looking forward to visiting the set, as this will be my first produced screenplay and all. However, in May I have to do some overseas travel to attend a family wedding. The kind of thing I can't miss. So, we'll have to see how the timing plays out, but I'd certainly be bummed if the two clash so completely as to prevent me from visiting the set.
I've also heard unofficial casting rumblings. It sounds like they've all but nailed down the "NAME" actor for our little flick. We can't tell you yet who it is, but I will reveal that its a name you've almost certainly heard before.
In other news, we've temporarily shelved the Horror Movie Concept. Dave came to me late last week with the first 20 pages of something he dreamt about. I still really dig the horror concept, but what he's come up with looks like it could be a lot of fun to write, and since he's excited about it, I think it'll get our creative juices flowing, which could make for a nice transition to the Horror Flick once this is done. I'll let Dave share more about the concept with you, but it has lots of potential for fun, action, and chills. And it'll definitely fit our b-move oeuvre.
Plenty more on that in future posts.
A new day, a new look, and a new creative concept. Exciting, no?!
Tags: b movie, producer dude, horror movie, siege
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