So a couple weeks ago I wrote about how our contracts were in the mail.
They weren't.
So this time they are. No really. This time they really are in the mail.
But we're not supposed to sign them just yet.
Producer Dude wants us to have the contracts, to read them, to look over them, to make sure we're cool with them. But we're NOT to sign them until the money is in his grubby little hands.
(Producer Dude's hand's aren't grubby. The money is grubby. When anyone handles cash-cash, their hands become grubby. I hope to have very grubby hands myself soon.)
So sometime in the next couple of days, I should get contracts delivered to my door. (Charlie will also get his delivered, but as he's in Atlanta, they'll be delivered via horse and buggy.) All I can think of is.. GOD I hope these contracts are what we expect them to be. The last thing we need is to read them through and see mistakes. I mean it took this long to wrest contracts out of Producer Dude, you think we want to start over?
So there's Siege. The same story you're been reading (both of you) for, what? five months? More?
The latest on our pygmy/Devil/Adventure/Horror movie is that we've been doing homework. Last week we each took turns writing character bios and backstory. Now we're writing some ideas, putting things together, trying to - get this - craft the story before we try writing it. Wild idea, huh?
I think it's been a good thing, I hope Charlie thinks so as well. It's certainly popped some thoughts into my head, and given me a better idea about the story. But on the other hand, it's homework. Uhg.
One final note. Over the last week or so, I've watched the entire series of Firefly, plus the feature film, Serenity.
My God, that rocks. My God they need to pick up this series. You're telling me Sci-Fi Channel can't order up a new season of Firefly to slot into Sci-Fi Friday or to start a new Sci-Fi night? Come on, they're already airing the repeats, someone tell them to order up new episodes and let's get this party started!
Truly magical television. Followed by a fantastic movie that didn't succeed because, well, it was such an extention of the series, that you kinda got a little lost without knowing the series. But it was great, and I want more.
Peace Out.
24 Hours in Beijing With Poet Anthony Tao
23 hours ago