A quickie to basically avoid actually emailing Charlie with the news.
As you know, if you've read this blog, we have written a script called Siege.
As you know, Mom, if you're still reading this blog, the script was written for Producer Dude. But then My Agent thought it might be well suited for Big Company, and so we got the script away from Producer Dude (props to Producer Dude once again for not raising a stink on that) and My Agent sent it to Big Company.
So whatever happened with that, anyway?
So glad you asked.
My Agent talked to Big Company earlier this week. Contact at Big Company (whom I met with for another project when I went to LA) has now read Siege. Contact at Big Company told My Agent that he/she liked Siege. So Contact at Big Company has passed Siege up the ladder to High Muck-a-Mucks at Big Company who are, even now, ignoring it while it sits on the big pile of scripts they're supposed to be reading.
So, in essence, we are nowhere. Except that's not true. Contact at Big Company liked the script. Contact at Big Company could have not liked the script and we'd be done. So, in essence, we've passed through the first Gate Of Power in our path. There are probably, like, fifteen Gates of Power we still need to get through, but the fact is, we weren't stopped out on the tarmac. We were invited in for a refreshing afternoon tea, and we just need to see if Her Highness has a free minute to spare in between beheadings.
Or something like that, I lost the metaphor a while ago.
Siege ain't dead. Long live Siege.
24 Hours in Beijing With Poet Anthony Tao
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