The rush of accomplishment. The buzz of completion. The high of being able to send it out.
And, unlike sex, I can relish the joy of it for at least a day or so before my partner weighs in with disappointment.
Dave'll get my emailed copy of the un-named Donkey-punching/weigh-loss-drama/Sirk-melodrama/soccer-playing-dog screenplay... he'll be excited to know I've completed it. He'll read it. THEN he'll feel some pangs of dissapointment. Then he'll drop me a congratulatory email with some words of encouragement ("Don't worry... it happens to all writers every now and then... you were probably just nervous or drunk..."). Then he'll do his obligatory rewrites of my rewrites. And then we'll be done.
Yes. Light on the horizon for this pass at this script!! I mean... how long have we all watched me post about finishing this f*cker now? MONTHS! And its done! Done, I tell you!!
I'm gonna go have a smoke.
- Charlie
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