Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Eeefff Onlee Baywatch Vas Steeel On..."

I'd like to take a moment today to digress from our usual hand-wringing over the writing process, and reflect briefly on the Golden Globes, which were handed out last night in Beverly Hills.

Walking distance from my ol' pad, which I foolishly left behind for a "new life" in Atlanta. *Snort* Great call, Charlie. How's that new house workin' out for ya?

But I digress from my digression. The Golden Globes.

Best TV Series - Drama - LOST. Ok. Of the nominations available here, I'm down with lost. But how the heck are Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Prison Break, Commander in Chief, and Rome the BEST we have to offer? Rome? Sure. I'll even buy Lost and Prison Break to some degree (tho I'd contend that while Prison Break is a FUN show, its hardly a GOOD show). Where's Battlestar Galactica, easily the best drama on TV? Where's Bochco's Over There? Where's The Shield? I mean... Grey's Anatomy? Gimme a freakin' break.

And speaking of HBO's Rome... how could the men on that series have been totally overlooked? Sure, Polly Walker was great (and who knew she looked so young in real life), but... WTF? Ignoring Ciaran Hinds as Caesar, or Kevin McKidd and Ray Stevenson as the fantastic Lucius and Titus?

I don't get the Hollywood Foreign Press. I gotta wonder if they really just like crap TV and ignore the actual quality stuff. I guess you could call it the "BAYWATCH" factor. Or maybe they don't get HBO, FX and SCI-FI abroad? I mean... surely the TV critic for the Khazikstan Daily News could grab the latest episode of Battlestar Galactica off of BitTorrent, right?

My "YES, THERE IS A GOD," Moment: Mary Louise Parker beating out the catty pack of Desperate Housewives she-devils. I enjoyed season one of Desperate Housewives, but its devolved into the schlocky soaps that it used to brilliantly lampoon. Mary Louise Parker, on the other hand, is a great actress in a clever, funny series.

Outfits worth noting - UGLY Category:
- Drew Barrymore, who clearly needs a Victoria's Secret push-up bra.
- Gwenneth Paltrow, who stole her gown from a Medieval Times dressing room.
- Ah... screw it. I can't bring myself to look at any more pictures on EOnline.com to try to figure out what was good or bad in fashion.

Best Award Speeches:
- Hugh Laurie's "Random-Thank-You's-In-My-Pocket" Speech
- Geena Davis' "Inspiring Little Girls" Speech
- Steve Carell's "Wife Wrote My Speech" Speech

In short... a rather unremarkable year for the Golden Globes. Mediocre nominees and, for a large part, mediocre winners. I was glad to see a few underdogs shine through, but largely think the foreign press need to stick with watching Benny Hill and Colpo Grosso reruns, and quit elevating some of our weakest offerings beyond the levels they deserve.


P.S. Eh. That was largely unrewarding to post. In the future I'll stick with whining about the scripts.