And not just in the bowels.
Producer Dude sends his best in an email/IM exchange whereby it seems that the immovable icebergs of foreign banks have melted just enough to illicit the flow of a slushy, monetary substance known as Cash-Cash.
Said Cash-Cash has not, of course, arrived in the Promised Land of the Free, however, it has boarded the Midnight Train to Georgia and is currently sipping mint juleps and entertaining fellow passengers with witty tidbits of mirth.
Producer Dude claims that Cash-Cash will arrive in this vice-ridden nation of America within a few days, and that, once it's given a proper shake-down, discreet portions of Cash-Cash will trickle down into the grubby hands of the Little People.
That's us.
What does this mean for Siege? Means it's going forward. Means they're really gonna make it. Means it's time to start casing the 99-cent store, checking out what I'm gonna splurge on with my portion.
Now granted, Cash-Cash is not yet in my account. So I'm holding off on purchasing that handy-dandy new egg timer for the moment. But a major hurdle has been hurdled. Or, perhaps more honstely, Producer Dude has eliminated one of his excuses. There may be more excuses to come, but that particular one can not be raised again or we shall do unspeakable things to unmentionable things in protest.
Script-wise, it means nothing. We continue to sit at the keyboard, finger poised over the "Send Script To Producer Dude Now" button. When Cash-Cash rears it's beloved head in our mailbox (along with it's less-glamourous cousin, Mr. Contract) then push said button we shall. At which point Producer Dude will read the script, then send it back to us for a complete re-write ("Can you make all of the characters midgets? I know a guy...") and the whell of creative effort will turn once again.
But until then.. we have movement.
I'm all a-tingly.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
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