Monday, March 12, 2007

More Breaking News...

I hate that we're now pushing off Part II of Dave's interview with Brian from BMovie Online one more day, but we have another round of late breaking Siege news.

This just in...

Producer Dude emailed us both yesterday, with a scanned copy of ANOTHER signed letter of intent, from another BIG NAME ACTOR.

For those of you keeping score at home, that's like... well... two big name actors!

Now, assuming the movie ever gets made, and they end up actually showing up to the set, this could be fantastic. But it'll also carry some challenges we'll eventually have to address.

Presumably, we can only afford Big Name Actors for a finite period of time. They aren't cheap, but Siege's budget is. So... when we originally wrote the movie, we anticipated one such role. Now... one of our Big Name Actors would be killer for a lead role - the main villain. If we can afford him for that long. The other Big Name Actor would play the "cameo" type role.

However... if we can't get the guy who'd be great for a villain for a long enough period of time... or if Producer Dude lands a THIRD Big Name Actor he's courting, well... then Dave and I get to do rewrites and pull magical roles out of our butts for these guys.

Don't get me wrong. We can do it... and it'll be fun. Hell, I hope we HAVE to do it... but that's the next challenge that could be on the horizon.

Hrmmmm... what kind of lead-but-able-to-shoot-in-a-day role would YOU write in a shoot-em-up action flick for a handsome British thespian, best known for his rogue charm and foppish good looks, when he usually plays in romantic comedies opposite Renee Zelwegger?


P.S. Dave's pointed out that people could apparently misconstrue my comments to imply that Hugh Grant is somehow involved with Siege. I apologize for any confusion. I'm clearly referring to [NAME REMOVED FROM THIS POST BY ORDER OF CAA].

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