We'll get back to part 2 of our kick-ass interview with Brian Nowac next week, but first, we wanted to spout off this hot, late-breaking Siege news.
The engines are rumbling.
We're actually tugging back and forth over details in the new contract (like where to place the decimal point in our fee), but are making serious headway to an agreement that will set Charlie and myself up financially for a week.
Meanwhile, Producer Dude has pitched Siege to some money people, and the money people have responded positively. They want to see the script, but that's not an issue, because in this world, if the script has a coherent beginning, middle, and end (or at least a coherent beginning and middle) they're on board.
But most impressively, a Big Name Talent has agreed to do the film!
This is a Talent that you have heard of, and not just "Hmm.. oh yeah! They played second cop #3 in one of the Earnest Goes to X movies." But someone who will make you go "Oh! Really! Like, really? Siege? Katie Holmes must be draining his pocketbook something fierce!" There's even a signed letter of intent, which reads something like:
"Dear Anonymous Casting Agent/Producer. As the Agent for Big Name Talent, I'm recommending that Big Name Talent do the project Siege pending availability."
And it's on Big Agency Stationary. All very impressive.
We're jacked.
Not sure what role Big Name Talent would play, since none of our characters speak with an Austrian accent. But hey, if they can get away from the Statehouse, we'll work around their schedule.
And maybe Big Name Talent can convince their much-younger, equally famous spouse to do the film as well, as long as they promise not to punk anyone.
We rock!
Friday, March 09, 2007
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