Wooo!! Celebrate! Throw your hands in the air like you just don't care! We got nothing!
Charlie and I received an email from Producer Dude. It was short and sweet and said, more or less, "Guys. Sorry it's taken so long. It's gonna take longer. Love, Producer Dude."
A big fat nothing.
But to his credit, it was an email. An acknowledgement that it has, in fact, been a ridiculously long time since we thought we were, like, days away from millions. Or at least thousands.
So where does that leave us? Nowhere. Nowhere new, at least. It does, however, let us know that Producer Dude's feeling guilty. Maybe we can parlay that into another grand or something, I dunno.
"Soooo.. Producer Dude. Still waiting on that contract from you."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. Things have really drawn out. Not my fault."
"We know you mean well. Your heart is in the right place."
"You know it is, guys. If there were anything I could do..."
"Well... I mean the contract isn't finalized yet. Maybe we get an extra grand? Each?"
"No. can't do that. How about I rent each of you a fluffer for an hour?"
"... ... ok."
So maybe my negotiating skills need some work.
But in the meantime.. we got nothing!