Anyhow... I submitted the most absurd concept I could come up with - an animated musical based on the adventures of ROSEBUD, the sled of childhood memories that haunts CITIZEN KANE.
Our good friends at the Screenplay Agency are intrigued...
Thank you for your query to the Screenplay Literary Agency. Based on your
query form information we would like to see your work and learn a little bit
more about your goals and your work.
1) Would you please send us an electronic copy
of your screenplay for further evaluation?
Please email your manuscript to
(We accept Final Draft, Movie Magic, Screenwiter, and pdf, doc, and
2) Would you please answer these 2 questions
in the body of the SAME email? (Just copy and paste
the questions).
A. How long have you been writing, and
what are your goals as a writer?
B. Do you consider your writing 'ready-to-go',
or do you think it needs some polishing.
You may send either 30 or so pages, or the entire screenplay, whichever you
are more comfortable sending to us. Your screenplay is completely safe
within our company. We take care to properly manage all access and if we
don't end up working together, we delete all files.
Please DO NOT include any questions with your submission. If you have a
question, please send it to question@TheScreenplayAgency
proper people may address your question. Most of the questions you may have
are answered on the website and at the bottom of this email. Please see the
FAQs below.
Our preference for receiving your screenplay is via email.
If the file size is greater than 5 megabytes you can mail it to us, but
please only send it once, either by email or snail mail (we prefer email).
Our mailing address is: The Screenplay Agency, 275 Madison Ave., 4th Floor,
New York, New York 10016. If you decide to mail your screenplay please be
sure to INCLUDE your email address (very clearly) so we may reply and
process your screenplay. Mailed screenplays may take up to 30 days to
reply/process. Emailed manuscripts are processed much more quickly.
We also just recently found a free service that will move large files. Take
a look at We've used it successfully in the past. Just
use my email address.
We believe we are very different than other agencies.
We believe that we are unique in that we are willing to develop an author
and their talent. We like the metaphor of a business incubator as a
description of how we will take time to bring an author's work to the proper
quality level, even if it takes months to do so. We take pride in the fact
that we answer every email personally within 2-3 days.
Also, you may understand how a Literary Agency works, but many authors
don't, so please excuse me while I take a minute and let you know how the
process works. As your Literary Agent, our mission is to assist you in
finding a buyer for your work and to coach you along the way in various
options available to you. We don't edit your work, our mission is to sell
for you. As for compensation, get paid on success only, meaning we only get
paid if you get paid. Typically we will receive 10% of what you receive if
we are successful.
We do not charge fees, so our compensation is based on success only. Along
the way, we may suggest that you improve the quality of your work and or how
it is presented. Once your work is deemed 'presentable', then we'll start
shopping it to buyers. We never promise a sale, but we can tell you that we
have a model that works.
We look forward to receiving your materials.
Best regards,
Sherry Fine - V.P. Acquisitions
Now the tough part. Do I wanna go as far as Warren and frankenedit together a hodge-podge of crap that has nothing to do with anything (much less a singing and dancing sled) and send it off to Ms. Fine?