I've previously compared my writing partnership with Dave to a marriage.
Both relationships involve give and take, compromise, caring and support, and me doing someone else's laundry.
Dave and I have worked our way through one of those rocky moments every relationship faces, where we went runnning down the road a bit too quickly.
As I've previously written, we started work on our Pygmy/Demon-cult/end-of-the-world Amazonian adventure script a bit too early. Got ahead of ourselves, you might say. So we did what a lot of couples do in their relationships... we backed up, re-evaluated where things were at, and started over.
Plus Dave tried to convince me to make out, but that wasn't happening.
So we wrote character bios. Backstories. Key beats for all the acts.
And now... finally... we're back on track. I just sent Dave roughly 12 pages of script, picking up at the beginning of Act II. I think it was pretty good stuff. Some fun dialogue. Some scary moments. A few funny ones, too. I think it may be a bit verbose, but that's part of our give and take. I usually write too much, and Dave whittles away at it.
Or rewrites it completely, but that takes us back to issues in our relationship, so I won't go there today.
So... unless I've completely missed the mark and thrown us back off-track, Dave will retouch what I wrote, and then send along the next scene in the script -- the scene where we... KILL ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS!
See that? That's love. Much like I always let my wife have the end piece off a loaf of fresh bread (it's the best part, really!), I've stopped at a point where Dave can get the kill.
He'll like that. Dave loves writing "the kill" like... um... well... like my Wife likes the end piece of bread.
Keywords: b movie, Siege, screenwriting, screenplay, scriptwriter, movies, bread