As Dave mentioned, he actually made contact with the elusive Producer Dude a week or so ago.
What he failed to mention was the highly exciting tease that Producer Dude left us hanging with.
So they banged out new contract terms, finally, for Siege. If all goes well, it should be in some state of production, or pre-production, or neo-natal production, this Summer. I'll believe it when I see it, but hey... I'm becoming jaded.
Dave then asked Producer Dude if there was any further word on the NAME ACTORS who've signed letters of interest to work on the film. Producer Dude noted that the two guys who've committed so far are still on board, and he's working on a 3rd "name actor" that you guys would all know.
But... the big tease was that #1 name actor (twice Oscar Nominated, according to IMDB) has "expressed interest" in DIRECTING Siege. Now... I don't normally think of this guy as a Director, but he's actually a very good one. Like... won a DGA award for one of the key flicks everyone knows him from (which I never realized he directed).
Mind you, "expressed interest" in directing Siege could well have gone something like this:
NAME ACTOR/DIRECTOR: "Wow, this screenplay is really horrible. The dialogue is trite, the action mundane, and the exposition non-existent. A shetland pony could direct this. That Corky kid from Life Goes On could direct this. Hell, I could drink a 5th of jack, snort a kilo of coke, pop 5 percoset, and mainline Windex and still manage to direct this dung-heap."
PRODUCER DUDE: "You'd direct this?!"
Anyhow... we'll see what happens next.
In the meantime, I continue to drag ass on my share of rewrites. Luckily, Dave's busy enough with other stuff to not have gotten too annoyed.
And lastly, don't expect anymore deep psychological insight from me in the future. Turns out colleagues at work have been reading this blog and I'm now being harassed about my obsession with Natalie Portman, rabbit poop, and my impending midlife crisis.
Going forward I'll be focusing exclusively on shallow banality.
For the record, tho, there will be no reduction in Natalie Portman references. Dave strictly forbade it.
- Charlie
Monday, May 28, 2007
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