Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Lazy? Busy? Or Just Distracted by Natalie Portman...

As you may have discerned from Dave's last couple of posts, the ball's in my court for our latest revision.

The thing is, as Dave has already eloquently explained , we're at the point where we're just tightening and retightening the screws on this machine, so to speak. I'm currently working on the "weapons" rewrite, in which I go through and make sure all the bad guys have bad guy weapons, and all the good guys have good guy weapons.

Seems like it would be fun, but here's the thing... its the holiday season. I'm having a hard time finding making time to do my rewrite. Last weekend we spent 10 hours in the car taking my son to see his grandparents so they could go visit the shopping mall Santa together. Available writing time? None. Monday - bought a long-overdue Christmas tree and presents for a underpriveledged kid I'm sponsoring through work. Available time that day? Zip. Last night? Wrapped all the presents for the kid, since the social worker's coming today to pick it up. Available time then? Zilch.

Tonight? Finally put up that tree that I bought on Monday, and decorate it.

So what's the scoop? Have I suddenly gotten busier than I was a few weeks ago? Or a couple of months ago, when we really got rolling on the script?

Maybe a little bit. But the truth is, I'd have found time back then. I'd have worked till 6:30, come home and spent time with my kid, had dinner, and put him to bed by 8. Wrapped presents till 10, and then would have written till 12 or 1am.

But... we're just buffing the surfboard, man. Its hard to justify (to myself, at least), staying up well into the night for a "weapons rewrite" of the script when there's no pressing deadline. Producer Dude's still wrangling withe financing, and until that all comes together, there's really no rush. Truthfully, if Dave weren't so busy working on his OWN projects , I'd probably even suggest we put this down (once I finally do my weapons rewrite) and start on our next collaboration.

But what do you think? Am I being lazy? Am I missing the bigger picture?

What about you, Dave? As my partner, yours is the most crucial opinion... should I pull the late-nighter? Am I holding us up? Am I being a bad partner? I honestly don't know...


P.S. Wondering why Natalie Portman's mentioned in the title of this post? Well... what do you think I watch on TV while wrapping presents and decorating the Christmas Tree? "Closer" and "Garden State," on permanent loop. Nat's the gift that keeps on giving. Fa la la la la... la la la la.

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