Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Driven to Distraction Deux: Procrastination's Revenge

As you may recall, I’m supposed to be polishing a comedy with Dave. Unfortunately, its been slow going. Things have been busy at work, at home, etc, etc. Plus Dave’s distracted by his own writing, so he’s not busting my chops about it, which is one of the key reasons I ever get ANYTHING done.

It’s easy to get distracted in these situations. In fact, in the interest of celebrating the infernal distractions that interfere with my ability to make nay headway on this rewrite, I proudly present the following:


10. Sift through the change in my pocket and try to find new Montana quarters.
9. Clean rabbit poop. Or dog poop. Or kid poop.
8. Watch America’s Funniest Videos. Yes, I admit it – I’m a closet AFV fan.
7. Watch the “good scenes” in CLOSER again and again. Natalie Portman in a thong. Yay!
6. Rake the carpet.
5. Have a drunken breakdown, shave my head, and get a belly tattoo.
4. See how many pieces of Orbit “Mojito” flavored gum I can eat in a single sitting. Mmmm. Mojito.
3. Think up cool Top Gun fighter pilot nicknames. Mine would be “Melissa.”
2. Instant message Dave repeatedly, asking if we’ve heard from his agent yet. Call repeatedly once he turns off IM.
1. Have too many drinks, pass out on the keyboard, and wake up with an embarrassing draft of Bio-Dome II.

For you other writers out there… what distracts YOU?


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