Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Easy Come... Easy Go.

Well... here we are, back at the beginning. Nearly a year and 1/2 from when we kicked off this blog... shortly after starting work on Siege.

Since then its been conceptually optioned by Producer Dude. Gone into pseudo pre-pro. Stalled while waiting funding. Sat stagnant while awaiting funding. Melted on the ground in a puddle while waiting for funding. Another BIG NAME company expressed interest. Read it. Liked it. So we pulled it from Producer Dude (with his blessing) while they thought about it. Thought about it some more. Thought about it even more. Thought about it one last time. Took a pass. Untook the pass while they re-thought thinking about it. Took a final pass.

And then we sold it back to Producer Dude. For more money than the original agreement. That Dave... he's a freakin' negotiating genius.

As regular reader, and friend of the BMovie Writers perfectly phrased it: "Long live Producer Dude! I thought he wasn't going to make the third act..."

But make the third act, he has. He's back, with renewed passion and vigor. Contracts are being re-signed. Monies are being mailed. Things are happening. Who knows... I always saw Dave and I as the heroes of this tale. Sort of a post-modern Laurel & Hardy meets John McClane and Zeus Carver (I'd be Zeus). But maybe I was wrong. Maybe he and I are the supporting characters and Producer Dude is freakin' George Custer, riding in with his hands raised high, tightly clutching a rifle in one, and money and contracts in the other.

Regardless, Producer Dude's currently working on another flick which should wrap up in May, if I understand correctly, and he'll then be turning his attention to Siege. He's mentioned a May/June start date.

So... we sit back and wait some more. A zillion things could happen between now and then to cause Siege to STILL not get made. If there's one thing I've learned over the last 18+ months, its that I shouldn't bank on the movie being complete until I have a final check in one hand and a DVD in the other.

Frankly, at this point, Siege should be a Zombie flick. Its died and been raised from the dead more times than that nasty cat in "Pet Sematary."

- Charlie

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